Tuesday, 14 May 2013


Kwenda kwa: DR ABDALLAH KIGODA, Waziri wa Viwanda na Biashara Kuhusu: BIASHARA YA MIITO YA SIMU (RINGBACK TONES) Kumekuwa na malalamiko makubwa sana kuhusu biashara ya mauzo ya nyimbo kama miito kwenye simu. Malalamiko haya yalianzia kwa wasanii wenyewe na baadaye mimi binafsi niliwasilisha hoja zao Bungeni mwaka 2012. Hata hivyo, hadi sasa malalamiko haya bado hayajapatiwa ufumbuzi na hivyo wasanii kuendelea kunyonywa. Tatizo kubwa katika biashara hii ni USIRI na UNYONYAJI kwa wasanii wa Tanzania. Suala la USIRI lipo Wizara ya Mawasiliano, Sayansi na Teknolojia. Suala la Unyonyaji lipo Wizara ya Viwanda na Biashara. USIRI Biashara hii ya “Ring Back Tones” (RBT) hufanywa na Kampuni za simu (Network providers) kwa kununua maudhui kutoka wachuuzi (Content Providers) ambao nao huingia mikataba na Wasanii (Content Creators). Hakuna sheria yoyote au Kanuni hapa nchini inayoongoza biashara hii na hivyo “Network providers” na “Content Providers” kuwa watu pekee wenye taarifa zote za biashara hii. Kampuni za simu hujumuisha mapato ya biashara hii na mapato yake mengine (Not Ringfenced), hawatoi taarifa za manunuzi ya nyimbo (au ‘content’ nyingine yeyote) kwa wadau na hasa wasanii. Wachuuzi (Content Providers) nao hawatoi taarifa za mauzo kwa wasanii na wanatumia uelewa mdogo wa wasanii kuwasainisha mikataba inayowanyonya. Matokeo yake ni kwamba msanii hupata kiasi cha asilimia mbili tu (2.5%) ya mapato ghafi ya kazi yake. Hivi sasa biashara hii inathamani (turnover) ya takribani shilingi 44 bilioni kwa mwaka. Suluhisho: Serikali kupitia Wizara ya Mawasiliano iandike kanuni (regulations) zitakazolazimisha makampuni ya simu kuweka wazi mapato yatokanayo na biashara ya RBT (Miito ya simu) kila baada ya miezi 4 (disclosure rules). Kanuni hizi zielekeze makampuni kutoa taarifa za mauzo kwa kila kazi (nyimbo/vichekesho etc.) UNYONYAJI Kutokana na usiri ulioelezwa hapo juu, wasanii wamekuwa wakinyonywa kimapato. Kwa mfano Msanii hulipwa mapato yatokanayo na ununuzi wa awali wa kazi yake (wimbo) katika mwezi (downloads). Lakini mapato yatokanayo na “subscriptions” ambapo mlaji hukatwa shilingi 30 kila siku msanii hapati chochote. Hivyo katika mapato ya sh. 1,300 kila mwezi kwa kila mteja kwa kila wimbo, msanii hupata mgawo wake kutoka shilingi 400 tu za ‘downloads’ na ndio maana wasanii wote nchini hupata 2.5% ya shilingi 44 bilioni zinazokusanywa na Kampuni za Simu. Nchini Marekani biashara ya miito ya simu (RBT) imetafsiriwa kama maonyesho (Public Performances) na hivyo “copyright Association” ya Marekani imeweka kiwango cha chini cha mrahaba (royalty) ambacho msanii hulipwa. Marekani msanii hulipwa asilimia 10 ya patoghafi linalozalishwa na kazi yake kama muito wa simu. SULUHISHO Serikali kupitia Wizara ya Viwanda na Biashara iandike kanuni kwamba mauzo ya kazi za wasanii kama miito ya simu inachukuliwa kama ‘performance’ na kwamba Kampuni za simu zitalipa sio chini ya asilimia 12 (12%) ya mapato ghafi, ambapo asimilia 10% itakwenda kwa msanii na asilimia 2% COSOTA kwa ajili ya usimamizi na Ulinzi wa kazi za Wasanii. HITIMISHO Kanuni za Uwazi (disclosure rules) katika biashara hii ya ‘Ring Back Tones’ na mgawo wa haki wa mapato (fair and just revenue share) ndio suluhisho endelevu na litakaloleta tija kwa wasanii wa Tanzania na hata Serikali kukusanya mapato stahili. Kanuni (Regulations) zinazopendekezwa zianze kutumika kuanzia tarehe 1/7/2013 Kabwe Z. Zitto, Mb Kigoma Kaskazini Dodoma, 13 Mei 2013.


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MARK WILLACY: I think there could be a, a bit of both, both of those reasons could be behind that. They're worried that if they do act on these arrest warrants it could mean coming into the heart of this demonstration here in the middle of Bangkok and basically trying to drag people away.. [url=http://www.magliecalcio-2013.com/]maglie calcio personalizzate[/url] Hundreds gather in Chardon for Daniel Parmertor with videos
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The trouble does not end there. One exTory Cabinet minister, Michael Portillo, opines that it really is time for the better future of both countries for Scotland to go its separate way from England. Another, Michael Forsyth, says that his fellow Scots are testing English tolerance to breaking point adding, almost in an aside, that the "anyone but England" attitude of Scots during the World Cup is offensive to the English.
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All'interno, il gioco RomaMilan calcio 猫 stato proiettato su uno schermo enorme, come la maggior parte dei commensali posizionati loro sedie per una buona vista. I giovani ignorano i loro splendidi date, incapaci di mantenere i loro occhi dal gioco. Ogni obiettivo romana si 猫 conclusa con grida rauche e un altro giro di birra..

Unknown said...

ii ndo ki2 ya maana bana. watu wanaibiwa mchana kweupe bla ya huruma.... shenzi 2shasanda so iyo ki2 ifanyiwe kazi sanaa isiyetengeneza maskin wenye majina makubwa.