Thursday 18 July 2013

Mambo 10 husioyajua kuhusu Mandela

Mandela in prison Umar Hayat
 Mandela alipokuwa jela
  1. Jina lake la asili/kilugha ni "Rolihlahla"
Wengi utafsiri jina hilo "Rolihlahla" kama kitendo cha kuvuta tawi la mti, na kwa lugha ya kigeni tunasema "Troublemaker". Jina la "Nelson" alipewa na mwalimu wake aliyefahamika kwa jina la Miss Mdingane, na baada ya kutumiwa sana na waandishi na kuwa maarufu, ndipo likazoeleka jina la Nelson.

     2. Mandela alikaa mwaka mmoja pasipo kuendelea na masomo ya chuo
Baada ya kumaliza elimu yake ya sekondari (katika shule ya bweni), ndipo akajiunga na chuo cha Fort Hare Missionary College, lakini alitimuliwa baada ya kuonekana anashiriki kuhamasisha migomo dhidi ya utawala wa kizungu na ndipo alikaa takribani muda wa miezi 12.

   3.  Umoja wa Mataifa umeipa jina siku ya kuzaliwa kwake kama "Mandela Day"
Mwaka 2009, Umoja wa mataifa (UN) umeamua kuipa jina siku ya kuzali kwa Mandela (Julai 18) kama Mandela Day kama ishara ya mchango wake katika uhuru wa ulimwengu. Kwa miaka 67 aliyokuwa kama miongoni mwa wapambanaji wa ubaguzi wa rangi (Anti-apartheid movement), wananchi wa South Afrika ulazimika kupumzika kutofanya shughuli yoyote ile na kukutana kwa dakika 67 kama ishara ya yeye alivyowajibika kwenye ile miaka 67 ya harakati za upambanaji wa ubaguzi wa rangi (anti-apartheid movement.)
Nelson Mandela the day after he was released from prison in 1990, at the age of 72
Siku ambayo Mandela ametoka Jera, 1990
akiwa na umri wa miaka 72

 4. Mandela uitwa Madiba kwenye ukoo wake wa jamii ya Xhosa
Mandela ni member wa Thembu, kutoka kwenye ukoo wa Xhosa na linatamkwa kama  Madiba kwa jina la ukoo. Hii inadhihirisha umahiri wa watu wa Afrika ya kusini na lugha zao, ambazo kwaidadi ya haraka zipo takribani lugha 11 ambazo ziko officially nchini humo.
Qunu, Eastern Cape - the village where Mandela spent much of his childhood CNN
 Qunu, Mashariki mwa CapeTown ambako
 alitumia muda mwingi akiwa mdogo

 5. Baba yake alikuwa na wanawake wanne na Mandela ni miongoni mwa watoto 13
Baba mzazi wa Mandela alikuwa chief na mshauri wa ufalme wa Thembu, alifariki na ugonjwa wa TB wakati mwanae (Mandela) akiwa wa 9, na kuwaacha watoto 13 pamoja na wake wanne...watoto wa kiume wanne, wakike 8. Baada ya kifo cha baba ake, Mandela akaachwa chini ya malezi ya Jongintaba, Thembu regent.
5. Mandela’s father had four wives, and Nelson is one of 13 children.
Mandela’s father, a local chief and councellor to the Thembu king, died from tuberculosis when his son was 9. Before that, he fathered 13 children by four wives, four boys and nine  girls. After his father’s death, Mandela was put under the guardianship of Jongintaba, the Thembu regent.
- See more at:
5. Mandela’s father had four wives, and Nelson is one of 13 children.
Mandela’s father, a local chief and councellor to the Thembu king, died from tuberculosis when his son was 9. Before that, he fathered 13 children by four wives, four boys and nine  girls. After his father’s death, Mandela was put under the guardianship of Jongintaba, the Thembu regent.
- See more at:
5. Mandela’s father had four wives, and Nelson is one of 13 children.
Mandela’s father, a local chief and councellor to the Thembu king, died from tuberculosis when his son was 9. Before that, he fathered 13 children by four wives, four boys and nine  girls. After his father’s death, Mandela was put under the guardianship of Jongintaba, the Thembu regent.
- See more at:
5. Mandela’s father had four wives, and Nelson is one of 13 children.
Mandela’s father, a local chief and councellor to the Thembu king, died from tuberculosis when his son was 9. Before that, he fathered 13 children by four wives, four boys and nine  girls. After his father’s death, Mandela was put under the guardianship of Jongintaba, the Thembu regent.
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Mghekezweni, nje ya Mthatha alikolelewa  
na Thembu regent baada ya baba yake kufa 
Thembu regent in Mqhekezweni, outside of Mthatha

  6. Ameshapokea tuzo zaidi ya 250
Miongoni mwa tuzo hizo, Mandela ameshapokea tuzo ya hisa 1993 ya Nobel Peace Prize, pia Mandela ameshazawadiwa tuzo za shahada ya uheshimiwa zaidi ya 50 kutoka katika mataifa mbalimbali, ikiwemo heshima yakuwa Raia wa Canada mwaka 2001, pia amepokea Lenin Peace Prize kutoka kwa Soviet Union
Mandela accepts the Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk

  7. 1985 Steve Wonder alimdedicatia tuzo yake ya Oscar "I just called to say I love you"
Baada ya Steve Wonder kupokea tuzo hiyo kutoka kwa Mh. Mandela, shirika la utangazaji la nchini Afrika Kusini lilizuia kucheza nyimbo zake mbaka pale 1994 Mandela alivyochaguliwa kuiongoza nchi na ndipo Steve Wonder akaruhusiwa kukanyaga South Africa.
Stevie Wonder's controversial Oscar acceptance RollingStone
 1985, Steve Wonder aliposhinda Oscar
award na kum'dedicate Mandela

  8. Mandela alivyowapoteza wanae wakubwa wawili
Mandela alikuwa na watoto sita kabla hajawapoteza wanae wawili wakubwa, Thembi aliyekufa kwa ajali akiwa na umri wa miaka 25 kipindi Mandela yupo jera na kushindwa kabisa kuhudhulia hata mazishi ya mwanae. Mwaka 2005, mwanae mwingine mkubwa mwenye umri wa miaka 54 alikufa kwa UKIMWI. Hii alichukulia kama utawala wake haukuweza kupambana na suala la kuzuia maambukizi ya Virus vya UKIMWI katika nchi yake japo kuwa mwaka 1999 aliweza kuanzisha Foundation yake aliyoiita The Nelson Mandela Foundation kwa ajili ya kupambana na uenezwaji wa Virusi Vya UKIMWI.
46664, Mandela's prison cell number at Robben Island, has become an international campaign to fight AIDS CNN

  9. Alitoroka kwao akiwa na miaka 19
Mwaka 1941, Mandela alitoroka nyumbani kwao na kukimbilia Johannesburg baada ya mlezi wake akiwa katika maandalizi ya kuoa. Huko alianza kufanyakazi ya ulinzi katika migodi ya Crown lakini aliweza kugundulika kuwa ni Thembu regent aliyetoroka na kuadhibiwa nakisha kurudishwa kwao.

  10. Alitumia usiku wake wa kwanza baada ya kifungo nyumbani kwa Askofu mkuu Emeritus Desmund Tutu
Tutu alimuandalia msosi mzuri anaoupenda, ikiwa ni kuku, wali na salad...kisha akaandaliwa mahali pazuri pakulala.
Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Mandela na Archbishop Desmund Tutu

Mandela has received more than 250 awards for his accomplishments.
Among these awards is the shared 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk, the last president of the apartheid government of South Africa (he too is widely credited as an instrumental force in ending apartheid). Additionally, Mandela has received more than 50 honorary degrees from international universities worldwide, became the first honorary Canadian citizen in 2001, and received the last Lenin Peace Prize from the Soviet Union.
- See more at:
Mandela has received more than 250 awards for his accomplishments.
Among these awards is the shared 1993 Nobel Peace Prize with F.W. de Klerk, the last president of the apartheid government of South Africa (he too is widely credited as an instrumental force in ending apartheid). Additionally, Mandela has received more than 50 honorary degrees from international universities worldwide, became the first honorary Canadian citizen in 2001, and received the last Lenin Peace Prize from the Soviet Union.
- See more at:
Thembu regent in Mqhekezweni, outside of Mthatha
5. Mandela’s father had four wives, and Nelson is one of 13 children.
Mandela’s father, a local chief and councellor to the Thembu king, died from tuberculosis when his son was 9. Before that, he fathered 13 children by four wives, four boys and nine  girls. After his father’s death, Mandela was put under the guardianship of Jongintaba, the Thembu regent.
- See more at:

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