Tuesday 1 May 2012


How to design:

Started by taking the leg portion of a pair of jeans left over from a previous trouser and cut it open along one of the seams.
Next you choose the dimensions of your clutch. Fold in the sides of the fabric and hot glue them down and then fold up the bottom portion and glue down the sides (only the sides) of it.
Fold over and glue down the edges of the top portion. Again, hand stitch the corner edges to secure in place.
If you wanted, you could stop here. It’s a totally functional clutch at this point. However, to give the denim a more finished  look so add on a few fixtures. took all the closures from an old knock-off “Coach”.
Attaching the magnetic closure button is really simple. It has two prongs that simply stick through the fabric and fold down in the back. You can use scissors to cut small holes if the fabric is too tough for you to poke the prongs through.
Now comes the “hard” part.
Snapped the fixture closed to make sure that you had every thing lined up properly. Simply glue the portion of the flap with the other half of the magnetic closure on it to the top portion of the clutch
Adding the wrist strap was a last minute edit. You know the deal…glue and then stitch.

Before you design it:

I know you’re laughing right now at the fact that they’re too short. STOP! IT’S NOT FUNNY! Lol.
The first thing you cut the jeans into shorts. Final version of shorts to have a cuff  so cut them about 4 inches longer than the length you.
And then I simply cuffed them twice.
The studs are easy to apply and take very little time. Simply stick them through the fabric and fold over the prongs. You can do that with your fingers but if you want to make sure its really snug (or if your fingers start to hurt like mine did) use the edge of a quarter or even a key to fold down the prongs.
And just like that…you’re all done!

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